Manjerico is now 4years old und is ridden – consistent with the german HDV12 (Heeresdienstvorschrift 12) – mostly outside in the woods and fields. It may seem strange or boring that we are not doing more „spectacular stuff“ in the arena but it is my firm belief that a 4year old belongs out hacking together with other horses. He learns calm serenity, symmetry in his movements and – very important – builds up the necessary strength and condition for later schooling in the arena. We ride up- and downhill, go through difficult underground, around trees and over branches schooling balance and coordination. At this age such workouts are much better than too many abstract exercises in the arena. The tactile experience and compensation to other is work is generated when the horse moves „off the beaten track“ creating the best exercising effect for the young horse.
YHSP: „off the beaten track“